Post Command Battalion / Brigade Stage

This course is reserved for the armed forces and the security forces only!

The prerequisites necessary to participate in this course are:
be medically fit to follow the entire course.
be a captain-to-lieutenant-colonel graduate staff officer.
master the French or English language.
be likely to hold a staff officer job in a peace support operation in Africa.
Objective of the internship:
The internship is aimed at experienced staff officers in order to give them the additional knowledge and skills essential to their employment in a battalion or brigade staff deployed in the framework of an operation of support for peace in Africa.

Discussed subjects:
Introduction: organization of the African Union and the United Nations, presentation of the African Standby Force (FAA).
Regulatory work framework: Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Status of Force Agreement (SOFA), Code of Conduct, (ROE), Mandate, Procedures (SOPs).
The work environment: characteristics of Peace Support Operations (PSO), evolution of PSOs, civil partners, legal instruments, Civil-Military Action (ACM), work with the media, negotiation and mediation techniques, DDR process .
Work procedures: organization of a command post (PC), work in staff, modes of action, operational orders, reminder of the tactical reasoning method at battalion and brigade levels.
Application exercises: two card exercises at battalion (BEN SEGUISO) and brigade (IBAR) levels.
General organization of the internship:
the course is open to both men and women.
the internship lasts 4 weeks.
start of the course on Monday at 07:30 am: welcome from the director, photo of the class, administrative formalities.
working hours: Monday to Friday from 07:30 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00.
free time on Saturday and Sunday (a cultural tour of Bamako is organized on a Saturday morning)
end of the internship on the last Friday at 12 noon at the end of the graduation ceremony.
Special point:
Each trainee has 30 minutes to present his country succinctly. It is advisable to prepare this presentation before joining Bamako.