Awareness course on gender mainstreaming in national DDR, RSS and integration of ex-combatants commissions

With the signing of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation, Mali has embarked on a peacebuilding process that includes security sector reform, disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, not to mention the transitional justice. It is aware of these challenges that the Government of Mali has updated its National Action Plan on Resolution 1325 (in 2015), which urges that the gender perspective be taken into account at all levels of peacebuilding.

The DDR-RSS Section is responsible, according to the mandate given to MINUSMA by the United Nations Security Council, to help the Malian authorities to carry out the DDR and RSS program. It is in application of this mandate and the need to strengthen the capacities of the National Commissioners of DDR - RSS and Integration of Ex-Combatants, that the DDR-RSS Section of MINUSMA in partnership with UN WOMEN funded three training courses. to equip these Commissioners on gender mainstreaming strategies in their process of executing their mandate as Commissioners.

This training is of capital importance, because these Commissioners have been trained on the various activities which contribute to the execution of their mandate with a “gender” prism through the analysis of the opportunities and challenges related to the inclusion. gender in the development of their programs, strategies and budgets. And these three gender courses will allow them to readjust their strategies according to the gender perspective in order to avoid the mistakes of the past, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to achieve inclusive peacebuilding.

With regard to the achievement of the objectives of these internships, the President of the Promotion "Commission for the Integration of Ex-Combatants" expressed himself in these terms on behalf of the other Commissioners: "Today, we have been built and equipped with instruments that will allow us to carry out our mission with the demand for results. We are committed to deepening the knowledge acquired during this internship, to be true ambassadors for the integration of the Gender Perspective in our mission for the greatest benefit of our Country ”.

Thus, through these capacity building internships, the EMPABB, as an ECOWAS Center of Excellence, which aims to train African executives, plays its part in the peace consolidation process in Mali.